"Share the Love" Photo Contest
Starts Friday, Feb. 8, 2013
Entries accepted from Feb. 8 through Feb. 28, 2013!

We've celebrated February, the month of love, every year. This year, as part of our celebrations, we decided to run another photo contest and we need your photos! The theme is "Share the Love."
What we're looking for in your photo: A photo of your own dog or dogs where they show a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another animal or a human or both.
We want to hear the "AHHHHHHs...." when people see your photo! We want canine photos that touch the heart!

Mail to: Godfrey's, 4267 New Holland Road, Mohnton, PA 19540

Photo entry dates: Photos will be accepted from Friday, Feb. 8, 2013 through Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013.
Photos we receive for the contest will be displayed at Godfrey's. Each photo submitted will be assigned a number.
In-store voting dates: Photos can be voted on from Friday, Feb. 8 through Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013.
Every time a customer shops and checks out at Godfrey's from Friday, Feb. 8 through Thurs., Feb. 28, 2013, they will receive (1) ballot entry form to to vote for the photo they think should win.
Winning our Contest: The photo with the most number of votes at the end of the month will be the winner!
The winner will receive: Oh, wow....check this out!!
- A FREE photo shoot session with nationally well known photographer Andrew Orth. Value $60. Andrew's next photo shoot event at Godfrey's is March 16 and March 17, 2013.
- A $25 Gift Certificate to Godfrey's
- Your winning photo and story to be used on one of our future Godfrey's biscuit bags! (as long as we can scan your photo successfully or obtain a good electronic copy of it!)
- Photo posting on our Facebook page
Here are the rules for photo submission:
- Bring in to Godfrey's or mail to us a photo of your dog(s) expressing love with a human-We're celebrating the canine/human bond. Digital photos can not be accepted (No email photos, please.) Mail photo to: Godfrey's, 4267 New Holland Road, Mohnton, PA 19540
- Photo size: 4"x6" (preferred) or 3"x5"
- Back of photo: Write your name, dog(s) name(s), and your contact information, including address and phone.
"Be Mine, Canine" Valentine's Day Celebration
Sat., Feb. 16, 2013 10am-4pm
Bring out your "Share the Love" Photo!
FREE and OPEN to the Public
10am-4pm: "Whine and Dine Fest for Canines"
Free Samples!
One of your favorite events is back! Barb will be whipping up some recipes using products from the fabulous human-grade whole food nutrition line: The Honest Kitchen. Plus we'll serve up some "Love!" and some other natural treats.

Barb will also make a yummy cake for canines, full or organic human-grade ingredients they will go crazy for!
1pm-2pm: Come out and meet the founders of Wild Meadow Farms
Justin & Luke
Free Samples!
Wild Meadow Farms is a Lancaster, PA-based producer of all-beef and all-chicken dog treats, and soon to be coming duck and bison. Their motto is: “1 Source. 1 Ingredient. 1 Great Dog Treat.” The only other ingredient is USA-sourced potassium sorbate. That's it! When you open a bag of these treats, they smell so-o good! Your nose WILL smell the difference!

They use grass-fed beef and chicken from local suppliers. Their treats are soft so that you can easily tear them into smaller pieces. Older dogs appreciate that! Their smaller, shredded pieces are perfect to use as "high value" treats in training classes. We use them for our own dogs and others working on FitPaws equipment, too. Dogs go nuts for them!
Here's what Justin has said about his company and their beliefs:
"We want people to know that we are passionate about our treats and we really want to provide the best treat we can for all the dogs out there. We wanted to fill in a hole in market that we discovered. We wanted to make locally sourced, all grass-fed meat dog treats. We also make it a point to not put anything extra into the treats, so they are free of grains, salt, soy, fillers, preservatives, organ meats etc. It is just lean meat cuts. What dog wouldn’t want that? It is important to us that the animal from which we get the meat leads a quality life as well. That is one of the many reasons we choose the meat that we do. The animals spend their lives on open pastures and are free to roam, not being confined in feed lots and cramped quarters."
1pm-4pm: "Bark" Book Signing and Readings by author, John Yamrus
Come out and meet this very talented, published poet!
Excerpt reading is scheduled for 2pm, but may occur at other times throughout the afternoon!
Being a reader, Barb is always on the lookout for books where the central theme is about dogs. She found out about local author, John Yamrus, from one of Godfrey's long-time customers who also happens to be a neighbor of John's. Thank you, Stephanie! It's been a delight in working with John to bring him out to Godfrey's during our Feb. "Month of Love" celebrations.

While he's published over 19 books, his recent book, "Bark," is a collection of his poems about dogs. He's known the joys of living with and loving his own dogs, their antics, their world unto themselves and also the heartache of loss.
From John's web site: " The work of John Yamrus is widely published in magazines around the world. His poems have been taught at both the high school and the college level and selections of his work have been translated into several languages, including Spanish, Swedish, Italian, French, Japanese and Romanian. His work has been described by the great Milner Place as “...a blade made from smooth honest steel, with the sharpest of edges.”
Copies of his book will be for sale for $10. Godfrey's will donate $1 from each book sold to the Animal Rescue League of Berks County. Buy extra copies and give them to your dog lov'n friends and you know you'll be helping rescues!
John and his dog, Abby
The following are two of John's works:
is a poem
for my dog
who is 3 years
and 4 days old and
she has more spirit and
intelligence and glee in her
than anyone i will ever know.
(copyright 2013, John Yamrus)
in dog obedience class…
for once,
my little Abby
did everything right.
for once,
she didn’t
bite, jump or pull.
this time
she paid attention
and sat and stayed
and came
and listened…
just like all the other dogs.
i can’t tell you how much
i hated
(copyright 2013, John Yamrus)