November 2013
In this newsletter....
Annual "Canine Whine and Dine Thanksgiving Sampling" Event-This Saturday
"Ambassador Dogs" author Appearance and Book Signing-This Saturday
Listen.Learn.Speak. Tell Your Story on "Dog is Family" BCTV Program sponsored by Godfrey's
Pooch Smooch Holiday Photo Shoot-Evening Appointments Available
Canine Winter Fitness-We're here to help!
So Much to be Thankful For
Thanksgiving is just days away. Can you believe it? It's time to slow down, if only just a little, to reflect on all that is good around us. Sometimes that gets tough, with personal setbacks, illnesses, and economic worries both personal and more global. This Thanksgiving holiday gives us a chance to take a moment or two to remind ourselves of what is most important to us and what we truly cherish and are grateful for.
If you could ask my goldens, Lake and Charlie, what they are grateful for, I think their list would be endless and it really doesn't change from year to year. Oh, they'd tell you the obvious things like off-leash play time with their good friends, a walk, a car ride, a tasty treat that magically appears on the floor after being dropped or one Mom made special just for them, a day trip with family, a sunny day, a snowy day, any day at home or out and about with Mom and Dad. They'd list so many simple everyday things, probably most so seemingly insignificant that we humans wouldn't even notice or appreciate. But our amazing dogs live in the moment, and bottom line, they are simply happy and content to BE WITH US. They practice "mindfulness" and I strive for that each and every day.
Wishing you and yours contentment and peace, being with those you care about for Thanksgiving. No need to do anything extra special, spend any money or buy anything; JUST BE in the moment with those you love.
And from me to you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your time, your friendship, your precious dogs, and your business this year. Thankfully, it's been another year of growth for Godfrey's, despite these trying and challenging economic times.
We've got a great activities lined up here this Saturday. Nov. 23. First off,
our annual Canine Thanksgiving Sampler-Yummy! And we're very excited to host book author Lisa Loeb for a book-signing. Lisa's book, "Ambassador Dogs," is filled with beautiful, touching photography and stories about how dogs truly give back to humans each and every day and in many ways. You don't want to miss meeting this special lady and the opportunity to take home an autographed copy!
Happy Thanksgiving and Hugs to your Pups,
Barb and the Staff at Godfrey's
P.S.- Save this date! Sat., Dec. 7:SSanta Paws makes his first official appearance at Godfrey's for our Howliday Open House!
"Let's Give Thanks" Canine Thanksgiving
Whine and Dine Sampler
Saturday, Nov. 23, 2013, 10am-4pm

We'll be serving up a sampler platter for all canines! Think turkey, cranberry, pumpkin, and apples, all from the superior quality canine nutrition foods and treats we carry. Learn about ways to add whole foods to your dog's diet to add variety and extra nutrients.
Samplers are free; all we ask is that you consider bringing (1) item to donate to our local Animal Rescue League; perhaps a roll of paper towels, linens for bedding like clean towels and blankets, litter, a can of food or a bag of treats, peanut butter, a ream of paper, cleaning supplies, etc. See their Wish List. So many homeless dogs and cats will not be enjoying Thanksgiving in a home of their very own. Let's help!
Giving Thanks, Readings and Book Signing
"Ambassador Dogs" by author Lisa Loeb
Sat., Nov. 23, 2013,
Lisa is a writer/photographer living in Berwyn, PA with her rescue white cock a poo named Layla. Her enthusiasm for all things dogs is very evident upon chatting with her!

Description of her book:
"Dogs are ambassadors to the world and our own local communities. They come to serve and love us as only they know how. Accompanied by 175 color images, discover the remarkable connection between dogs and humans through the inspiring stories of 24 dogs and the owners whose lives they have made better. Meet Paddington, the official greeter at Thorncroft Equestrian Center, and Cody, a search and rescue dog. Learn the story behind Pals for Life, an organization that provides therapy animal visits, and Francisvale, a safe haven for abandoned dogs. The stories range from service dogs that make life easier for those in need to much-loved household pets that offer love and companionship each day for family members. Dog lovers everywhere will delight in these wonderfully witty and entertaining stories." Purchase a signed copy of Lisa's book for $19.99 for every dog lover on your holiday gift list!
More about Lisa:
With her passion for animals, Lisa began photographing and writing stories at age nine, using her own dog as a subject.
With a degree in Animal Science she went on to work as a dog and horse trainer for a number of years. She resumed writing as a journalist for the Tampa Tribune focusing on animal related stories. She currently works as a journalist/writer and in recent years has had several photo/essays published in the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Her first book was published in November 2011, the narrative/cookbook: “Wanna Taste? Stories and Recipes from Mama Carlino’s Kitchen.” She worked with the Carlino family, helping to shape their family history and record “Mama Carlino’s” recipes. “Ambassador Dogs of Southeastern PA” is her second book.
Looking for Your Stories! Join Us!
BCTV Program - Berks Community Television
"Dog is Family"

We talk about all kinds of topics in the shop and we listen and learn about your dogs and the things they do. We read, research and we share what we learn. We believe that dogs are truly members of the family and there's so much to explore and communicate with you in "doing better" for them. What better way to share it all than by hosting a show on local television, and that's just what we're dong!
Tune in on the second Thursday of each month at 7:30pm-8pm on local cable channel BCTV for our live show "Dog is Family." Once the show is televised live, it is then accessible under the "Archive" section on; just search "Dog is Family" in their search box. You can see our two previous programs-the first one in Oct. 2013 was our pilot program followed by a November program. We are fortunate to have this high-caliber community TV station in our midst.
The focus of the program is to build community awareness and knowledge about so many topics in dogdom, help folks get more enjoyment out of the life they live with their dog, and also to provide a way for you to share your stories and challenges of living with and loving your dogs. We'll explore nutrition, holistic care, training and learning, hot trends, everyday living at
home and more!
Please contact Barb at if you are interested in coming on the show and telling your story, whether it be how your dog changed your life, or your journey in adopting a healthier, more enriching canine lifestyle and maybe you'll be a guest on our next show! We'll be sure that you receive a "DIF" sticker and a free "DIF" Tee for your time.
Meanwhile, let our community around town know how you feel. Spread the word; there's is a "DIF"ference when dogs are family. At Godfrey's, we reflect that sentiment and hope you share it with us.
Our stickers sell for $1.99. $1 from each sale is donated to the Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, the nation's largest sanctuary for abused and neglected animals, where animals can live out their lives in peace and with love.
Wed., Dec. 4, 2013: "Holiday" Theme
by Pooch Smooch Photography
4pm-8pm (EVENING!)
Give an adorable professional photograph of your dog to your significant other or as a holiday gift or treat yourself with a memory of a lifetime!
Don't miss this opportunity to capture your special canine in a professional photograph with a holiday theme.
The sitting fee is $10. You will review all photos she takes that day and select just what's right for you. Photography events are held in the Godfrey’s retail building, downstairs.

Payment is required the day of the photo shoot. You will be called when the photos are ready for your pick up at Godfrey's and they will be back to us within 3 weeks. Appointments are scheduled every 15 minutes. Include family members, too! To book an appointment, call us at 610-777-5755.